Starts working immediately to prevent, protect, and heal
Hypo-allergenic formula made for the most sensitive skin
No more white, messy pastes
Grandma El's Diaper Rash Ointment is a pediatrician recommended healing ointment. Used as directed with every diaper change it will help to prevent, protect and heal diaper rash. The fragrance-free ointment soothes baby's most sensitive skin while keeping it protected. It is absolutely the most effective diaper rash treatment product available today. Grandma El's helps to reduce the redness, pain, itching, and irritation associated with diaper rash. It creates a breathable, softening protective barrier which prevents wetness from coming to contact with the skin, thereby keeping your baby comfortable. An application of Grandma El's will help protect your baby keeping them comfortable while sleeping, playing, and exploring. Use Grandma El's with your next diaper change. Grandma El's has shown positive effects in helping with the following: Eczema, Heat Rash, Minor Burns, cuts, and scrapes, Sun Burn, Cradle Cap, Cracked Heels, Chapped Lips and Cheeks, Post-Tattoo Treatment. Brand: Grandma El's, Model: B0042RLFX8, Size: 2-Ounce
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