Apple Park Teething Rattle, Lamby

Apple Park
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  • Apple Park's Lamby Picnic Pal Soft Ring Rattle is firmly stuffed, and feels soothing on your baby's tender gums
  • Stitched details and a gentle rattle combine to make this toy a sure-fire favorite
  • Made with 100% organic cotton and hypoallergenic, natural corn fiber filling, this soft-stuffed toy measures 6'' x 6''
  • Winner of Dr. Toy's Best Green Product Award, Best Vacation Product Award, and Best Bay Area Toy Company Award
  • Safe for children, better for the environment, and always beautifully green, that's the Apple Park Promise

  • Apple Park's Lamby Picnic Pal Soft Ring Rattle is firmly stuffed, and feels soothing on your baby's tender gums. The soft, fuzzy fabric and hand-stitched details add tactile interest, and the gentle rattle will make your baby smile. The soft-stuffed toy measures 6'' x 6''. All Apple Park Products are safe for babies, made with 100% organic cotton grown on certified farms. We use pure natural silk, and natural silk blended with hemp for durability and strength. The soft stuffed toy is filled with sustainable corn fiber. Our fabrics are dyed with low-impact dyes. The eyes used on our toys are recycled non-toxic plastic safety eyes. We also use 100% recycled paper and soy based inks for all our packaging. Winner of the Best Vacation Product Award, Best Green Toy Award and Best Bay Area Toy Company Award from Dr. Toy. Apple Park founder Angie Ting set out to create a line of toys with her two young children in mind. Angie formed a partnership with Pate International, a highly respected San Francisco design firm known for their environmentally conscious designs. Together, Susan Pate and her daughter Chloe Pate helped Angie realize her dream of creating socially and environmentally responsible toys. Safe for children, better for the environment, and always beautifully green. that's the Apple Park Promise.
    Brand: Apple Park, Model: TM285, Color: Lamby

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