Peel and press stickers onto grooved frame to create luminous art
Hang in a sunny window to see the "stained glass" mermaid shimmer and glow
Colorful stickers feature realistic textures like bubbles and swirls
Includes ready-to-hang cord and suction cup
Develops concentration, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination
This peel-and-press sticker craft gives kids everything they need to easily create a spectacular piece of "stained glass" art. Just hold up the sheet of colored stickers to the clear frame, peel them off one at a time, and stick them on. Grooves and outlines on the frame make it easy to fit each sticker--featuring realistic textures like bubbles or swirls--into just the right spot. Use the included cord and suction cup to hang the finished artwork in a sunny window to see the charming mermaid shimmer to life. Young artists will be enchanted by the results and proud to show them off! Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 9292
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