Melissa & Doug On the Go Felt Friends Craft Activity Set With 188 Felt Stickers

Melissa & Doug
In Stock


Brand Melissa & Doug
Model 9420

  • Craft kit comes with everything you need to create 12 fuzzy felt friends
  • Includes 142 felt sticker shapes, 46 printed felt feature stickers, 4 color-in scenes (Under the Sea, On the Farm, Pet Playtime, Outdoor Pals), and idea book
  • Features step-by-step illustrated instructions and inspirational ideas
  • Easy to learn, easy to store, and easy to create impressive results
  • On the Go format makes it perfect for families on the move!

  • Layer the felt shapes to make furry, funny, fanciful creatures . . . then fill the pages with your felt friends to make four colorful play scenes! Stored in a handy plastic compartment, felt sticker sheets include dozens of shapes in blue, green, pink, orange, yellow, and white, plus pre-printed features like whiskers, eyes, and more. Illustrated steps give easy-to-follow instructions for assembling adorable felt friends; inspiring ideas and helpful hints encourage children to create even more. This craft activity is easy to do and lots of fun--the perfect gift for crafty kids!

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