With the Made By Me Build and Paint Wooden Cars Kit, children can make their own wooden cars and paint them with unique designs
All the materials to build and design 3 cars is included
Great gift for anyone who is creative and it is perfect as a solo project or as a group activity for birthday parties, sleepovers and any other fun get-togethers
Easy to follow instructions
Let your imagination go wild as you create a unique masterpiece
Developed by crafters for kids
Real wooden cars
Build and paint 3 cool cars
Race your friends
With the Made By Me Build and Paint Wooden Cars Kit, children can make their own wooden cars and paint them with unique designs. The kit includes 42 pre-cut and pre-sanded wooden pieces to make 3 cars, sand paper, 2 paint brushes, 12 pots of acrylic paint (0.10 fl oz. each), 3 pots of glue (0.101 fl oz. each) and 3 sticker sheets. Instructions are easy to follow and you will be creating in no time. The Made By Me Build and Paint Wooden Cars Kit is a great gift for anyone who is creative and it is perfect as a solo project or as a group activity for birthday parties, sleepovers and any other fun get-togethers. Brand: Made By Me, Model: 765940211366
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