Flipbook Kit - Butterfly & Frog

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  • Each Kit contains everything needed to make 3 do-it-yourself flipbooks!You get: 3 sets of sheets to create 3 flipbooks, 4 color markers, 3 colorful plastic clips, easy instructions plus ideas and experiments to try
  • Jump-starts kids into creating animation easily
  • Check out the video! Flipbooks are the building blocks of movies, and everybody enjoys them. They're fun, creative and fascinating
  • Success is built into the design, and there's no glue, scissors, tape or staples necessary, as you'll see in the video
  • For groups of kids - check out our Butterfly Flipbook Activity Pack.Each pack makes 25 flip books

  • Fliptomania Flipbook Kits give kids everything they need to make their very own flipbooks. Each kit includes perforated sheets with pre-drawn frames for two dynamic books, as well as sheets with blank frames for drawing a flipbook of their own. Color in the pre-drawn frames, separate the pages along the perforations, stack the pages in order, and clip them together. Flipbook Animals Kit:Includes the following designs: A caterpillar becoming a butterfly, a tadpole becoming a frog, plus a bonus sets of blank sheets to create your own flipbook plus colorful clips, markers, and idea book.
    Brand: Fliptomania, Model: KIT401

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