Creativity for Kids Lot's O'Loops Potholder Loom - Weaving Loom for Kids

Creativity for Kids
In Stock


Brand Creativity for Kids
Model 1891

  • CREATE FASHION FORWARD ACCESSORIES - Turn 250 loops into fun accessories like a water bottle holder, purse, notebook cover, sun glass case, cup holder - whatever you can think up!
  • COMPLETE LOOM KIT - Comes with everything you need to get started! Includes loom, 250 loops, yarn, ribbon, crochet hook and buttons.
  • CREATE 7 POTHOLDERS - The Lots O' Loops Potholder Weaving Loom comes with 250 loops that can make up to 7 potholders or a variety of other accessories. Create even more loom creations with the Lots o' Loops Refill Set (Sold Separately).
  • LEARN A TIMELESS CRAFT - Better than your grandmother's potholder loom! Weaving on a loom is a timeless craft that has been enjoyed for thousands of years.
  • CREATIVITY FOR KIDS - Since 1976, our open-ended products offer fun-filled opportunities for children to create, learn, pretend and explore.

  • A Faber-Castell Creativity For Kids Kit. Turn over 250 loops into fun, fashionable accessories. Weaving on a loom is a timeless craft that has been enjoyed for thousands of years. With your loom you can weave traditional potholders and then with a little creative crafting, turn them into fun accessories! This kit contains: over 250 loops in assorted colors, 1 potholder loom, 1 crochet hook, 1 plastic needle, 1 needle threader, assorted buttons, 4 yards of ribbon, 12 yards of pink yarn, 12 yards of green yarn, and an idea/instruction booklet. Recommended for ages 7 and up. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

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