Creativity for Kids Create Your Own 3 Bitty Books

Creativity for Kids
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Brand Creativity for Kids
Model 1094

  • Create 3 Quality Keepsake Books - This kit features 3 hardcover books (12 pages each) made with high-quality paper. Your child will create timeless treasures that you can keep for years to come
  • Complete Book Kit: Includes 4 x 5 inch hardcover books with 12 blank sheets (24 pages), high-quality paper, 6 mini markers in a rainbow of colors, 3 Adhesive-backed book plates for dating and signing each book and 100 Color-in Clip-Art stickers, in a variety of classic themes
  • Fun And Educational - Create your own tiny tales! Storytelling sharpens skills of visualization, plot development, linear thinking, creative problem solving, attention, reading, writing and fine motor skills
  • Display Your Books: Bonus book holder included! Decorate your book holder just like you would your Bitty Books! Book holder neatly holds all three of your custom books
  • Open Ended Fun: Let your creativity guide your stories! Kit includes helpful story starter ideas and helpful instructions to get started. Great for ages 4 to 94

  • Create timeless treasures that you can keep for years to come with the 3 Bitty Books set! Your child will be the author and illustrator of their own tiny tales as they color, design and draw in 3 hardcover books. This complete open-ended craft includes everything you need to decorate 3 (4"x5") blank Bitty Books (12 pages each). Craft components included: 6 markers, dozens of color-in stickers, one book holder and three high quality blank books. These itty bitty books are huge inspiration for creating stories and documenting special days. Kids can write about special events in their lives, their pets, school, friends, vacations. ..or learn to create a plot and characters and develop fictional stories. Younger kids can dictate a story to a parent who writes it down next to the child's illustrations, or they can tell their story with pictures alone. Older kids can create graphic stories with dialogue and plot, write poetry, autobiographies, or use it scrapbook style with photos and ephemera from a vacation or event. ..the possibilities are limitless. The small size is so precious, like a sweet place for secrets, but also not too overwhelming when contemplating the blank page. And they're a great size for travel - pack them along on vacation or when going to Grandma's. Creativity for Kids Bitty Books are recommended for ages 4.

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