Crayola Washable FingerPaints, 6 Count 8 oz.

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  • This set of Washable Finger Paints for Kids includes 8oz bottles of blue, yellow, orange, green, violet and red finger paint.
  • Kids finger paints awaken them to a world of creative self-expression!
  • Ez squeeze paints put imaginative art at kids' fingertips, sothey can express, connect, and play!
  • Crayola Washable Finger Paints are safe for ages 4 & up.
  • Nontoxic washable paint easily washes from skin & clothing.

  • Let your kids explore their creative side with safe, non-toxic paints from Crayola. These paints in assorted colors come in paint bottles that are easy to squeeze, so that kids can get right down to their artwork, without a struggle. Our 8 ounce paints go a long way, so the 6 pack set gives you and your little one the chance to paint many memories together. The best part, you don2019t have to worry that little fingers will remain colorful forever, the washable formula of our paints, ensures that memories last on paper, but not on little hands.

    Brand: Crayola, Model: 55-1312, Color: 6 Colours, Size: 6 Count

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