Fun papercraft party favors. Perfect to store small treasures or as unique party gifts, party favors or rewards
An easy and fun to build collection of mini box pet characters
12 fun and colorful characters in each pack including cats, dogs, rabbits and birds. Created by the designer of OiDroids
Easy and fun to build into a cute box pet toy without any cutting or sticking
Finished animal characters stand around 2 inches tall
A collection of 12 easy to build papercraft box pets. Box Buddies Pets make perfect party gifts or party favors for an animal themed party. They're perfect to present or store small treasures, gifts and trinkets. No cutting or sticking is needed to build Box Buddies. Each pre-cut card builds into a sturdy box toy - just remove the tear-off tag, fold and join the simple tab and slot. Box Buddies Pets make fun and unique rewards, place settings and party bag fillers for a pet or animal themed party. Box Buddies also make great stocking stuffers. Each box character's dimensions are approx. Height 2 in X Width 1.5 in X Depth 1.2 in and the finished animal character stands approx. 2 inches tall when made. Brand: Box Buddies, Color: Multicolored
Custom Tab 01
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