ALEX Toys DIY Wear Shamballa Bracelets

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Brand ALEX Toys
Model 734S
Color Multi/None

  • Create a colorful bracelet that symbolizes peace, tranquillity and happiness.
  • Make 8 Shamballa bracelets with silver beads and sparkling jewels
  • Perfect rainy day or small group activity
  • Includes easy suction hook, 6 colors of twine, 32 plastic silver beads, 10 metal beads, 4 fancy jewel beads and easy instructions
  • Recommended for children 6 years of age and older

  • ALEX Toys DIY Wear Shambala Bracelets comes with everything you need to create 8 pieces of jewelery. Shamballa bracelets come from the Buddhist tradition that symbolizes peace, tranquillity and happiness. Create your own Shamballa bracelets with silver beads and sparkling jewels! The special tool makes it so easy, just attach the suction hook to your table and get started. Includes easy suction hook, 6 colors of twine (25.37yd. / 23.2m.), 32 plastic silver beads, 10 metal beads, 4 fancy jewel beads and easy instructions

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