ALEX Toys Do-it-Yourself Wear Cool Duct Tape Fashion

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  • Tear, stick and wear your own duct tape creations!
  • Multi-pack includes 54 feet (16.5 meters) of duct tape with 2 widths
  • (6) colors and animal print patterns, too!
  • Recommended for age 7 and up

  • ALEX Toys - Do-it-Yourself Wear! Cool Duct Tape Fashion, 760B lets you tear, stick and wear your own duct tape creations! This ulti-pack includes 54-feet (16.5-meters) of duct tape with two widths. Use these cool colors to make fun creations. Includes (6) colors and animal print patterns, too! DIY Wear is fashion you make, but looks like you bought at a boutique. We've drawn our inspirations directly from tweens and have incorporated popular fashion elements in our designs as well as the products themselves. ALEX combines a love of fashion and trends with the satisfaction of Do It Yourself. DIY never looked so good! ALEX Toys - Do-it-Yourself Wear! Cool Duct Tape Fashion, 760B is recommended for age 7 and up. ALEX Toys takes the mission of providing children with quality creative products that foster personal expression and build self-esteem to heart! ALEX products are currently sold in over 80 countries worldwide in specialty toy and retail shops. Visit for more information on Alex Brands and our best-selling line of educational and entertaining products for kids.
    Brand: ALEX Toys, Model: 760B

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