Joovy Spoon Walker, Red

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  • Super sized tray with removable insert, insert is dishwasher safe.Maximum child weight: 30 lbs,Maximum child height: 33.5 inch
  • Wide base ensures that little fingers won't get pinched
  • Seat pad is supportive and comfortable, machine washable
  • Three height positions, oversized wheels and non slip stair pads
  • Folds flat for easy storage and travel; BPA, PVC and phthalate free

  • Walker meets highchair. The spoon walker combines these two essential products into one to provide the perfect balance of eating, playing and learning to walk. Practical and good looking, the spoon will blend perfectly into your kitchen and home decor. For meal and snack time, the spoon comes with a super sized tray that has a removable insert that can be wiped clean or put in the dishwasher for convenience. Once mealtime is over, there is lots of room for play. The extra large tray has plenty of room for all your child's favorite toys. The bright white color and high gloss finish give the spoon premium styling that cleans up easily. As your child learns to master walking, you will feel confident using the spoon with its ultra wide base that provides unparalleled strength, stability, mobility and safety. The wide base ensures that little fingers won't get pinched on the side of the tray if your toddler bumps into a wall. The seat pad is supportive and comfortable, machine washable, and is made with 600d material combining luggage grade toughness with a soft and padded high seat back.
    Brand: Joovy, Model: 00121, Color: Red, Size: Up to 30 lbs

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