Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play Portable Bassinet

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  • Wonderful sleep spot for newborns with a gentle rocking action
  • Features a flat/elevated sleeping surface and Machine washable pad
  • Simple push from mom rocks the hammock gently
  • Twist & lock feet for stationary use, mirror & soft, link able toy, frame easily folds for storage
  • Includes a soft owl rattle and Age grading: Maximum weight: 25 lbs (11,3 kg)

  • Keep baby comforted and close by, in the perfect portable sleep environment. A flat elevated sleeping surface and rocking motion (rocks with a gentle push from mom or dad) help soothe baby to sleep. Or, twist and lock the feet for stationary use. When it's time to play, a soft, linkable toy and mirror entertain. Use the bassinet at home or on the go – it's lightweight and easily folds for portability from room-to-room or travel. Pad is machine washable and dryer safe. Max weight of 25 pounds. Developmental Guidelines: For use with children unable to push up on hands and knees, pull up or sit unassisted.
    Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: X7757, Color: Green, Size: NO SIZE

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