Bumbo Elipad, Toddler Floor Seat and Kneeling Pad - Cool Grey

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  • SOFT KNEE SUPPORT- Take the stress off your knees and kneel comfortably near the bathtub, during playtime, while cleaning, or any other time your knees could use a little extra support.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT & EASY TO CARRY- The lightweight design of the Elipad makes it easy to carry and travel with for whatever adventures parenthood brings your way.
  • EASY TO CLEAN- Parenthood is often messy; the smooth, high quality material easily wipes clean after each use.
  • COMFORTABLY VERSATILE- Not only does the Elipad support your knees, but its contoured cushion also provides super soft seating for you or your toddler.
  • STORE IT: Simply hang it on your bathroom hook after use to keep it out of your way when not in use.

  • The fun-filled design of the Bumbo Elipad is contoured to provide super soft seating for a toddler's bottom and for mom to kneel on. The lightweight pad has an easy grip for carrying and is versatile to use almost anywhere. At Bumbo, we believe every child deserves a bright future. For more than a decade, we have made high-quality infant and toddler products that help your little ones sit up on their own, step up to places they can't yet reach, and build up their confidence as they gain independence. Our products solve everyday parenting challenges, while encouraging parent and child interaction and quality family time. Not to mention the Elipad effortlessly hangs on bathroom hooks to keep out of the way when not being used.
    Brand: Bumbo, Color: Cool Grey

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