Take a WWE Superstar and get him ready for the ring however you want him to enter!
Mix and match gear, ring attire and body parts
Nearly unlimited combinations allow you to create your own WWE Superstar
Accessories and gear are compatible with other 6-inch WWE figures to mix and match through out the line
Lots of imaginative play for WWE fans
Get your favorite WWE Superstar ready for the ring! We've given kids the power to take one of their favorite WWE Superstars and fully customize his or her look. Mix and match body parts or choose from an assortment of battle gear for original kid-designed style. The included ring attire, battle accessories and removable tattoo decals are all compatible with other 6-inch Superstar figures (sold separately) for mix-and-match mash-ups throughout the line. Once your Superstar is ready for the ring, change his look up again -- the combinations are nearly unlimited! Each sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary. Brand: Mattel, Model: DJJ22
Custom Tab 01
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