Safari Ltd Wildlife WondersLionRealistic Hand Painted Toy Figurine ModelQuality Construction from Safe and BPA Free MaterialsFor Ages 3 and UpLarge

Safari Ltd.
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  • KING OF THE JUNGLE - A male lion's majestic mane is actually an indicator of both its age and health. The older and healthier the lion, the darker and fuller the mane. A lion's mane serves to attract females and makes him look more intimidating to fellow predator as well as other lions.
  • PART OF THE WILDLIFE WONDERS COLLECTION - Recreating the world's most beloved animals in museum-worthy detail, the Wildlife Wonders Collection features extra-large, true-to-life scale models.
  • MADE WITH INDUSTRY-LEADING STANDARDS - Like all Safari Ltd products, the Safari Ltd Wildlife Wonders Lion has been individually hand painted, features quality construction from phthalate and lead-free materials, and includes an educational hangtag in 5 languages.
  • REALISTIC APPEARANCE FOR MULTIPLE USES - Realistic, educational, and fun, this figurine is suitable for a range of interests, from collectors and enthusiasts to teachers and kids. Admire it on a shelf, use it in the classroom, or simply enjoy playing with it.
  • PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - Measures 9.4"L x 2.7"W x 5.3"H. Recommended for ages 3 and up.

  • At Safari Ltd, we carefully craft our products for the most discerning eyes of all: those of a child. The Wild Safari Jungle series was designed for the hands of the smaller child. Each figure is finely hand painted and sculpted by experts which ensures authenticity. By providing educational information in five languages, we encourage the awareness of these endangered wild animals and their habitats throughout the world. All our products are phthalate-free and thoroughly safety tested to safeguard your child's health. We take pride in providing breathtaking, innovative and value priced figures for now over three generations.
    Brand: Safari Ltd., Model: 111289, Color: Multi, Size: 9.5" x 2.75" x 5.25"

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