PLAYMOBIL 1.2.3 Recycling Truck

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Model 6774
Color Sss

  • Help keep the neighborhood clean with the 1.2.3 Recycling Truck
  • Bright and colorful design and large, rounded pieces are easy for small hands to hold
  • Two recycling containers fit in the vehicle's sorting compartments
  • Encourages children to explore and learn while having fun
  • Set includes a bright orange truck and uniformed driver

  • Help keep the neighborhood clean with the 1.2.3 Recycling Truck. With colorful rounded pieces ideal for toddlers, this set includes a bright orange truck and uniformed driver. The two recycling containers also fit in the vehicle's sorting compartments. Recommended for ages 18 months and up. Playmobil, Germany's largest toy manufacturer, is headquartered in Zirndorf, Germany and has been producing and distributing toys for more than 36 years. The miniature worlds of Playmobil encourage children to explore and learn while having fun. Children's imaginations are transported to medieval times with the Playmobil castle, to the adventurous seas with Playmobil pirates and many other themed playworlds. The figures can bend, sit, stand and turn their heads to make realistic role play possible.

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