Papo The Dinosaur Figure, Tyrannosaurus

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  • KING OF THE TYRANT REPTILES - Its name means "King of the tyrant reptiles". The tyrannosaurus lived approximately 70 million years ago and was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs.
  • EXPERIENCE THE JURASSIC WORLD - Get an experience with this new figure, realistic gray green color and has an articulated jaw. It doesn't really run but is in a running pose, you can open or close his fearsome jaws, this incredibly lifelike Tyrannosaurus is perfect to mix and match with other Papo dinosaurs.
  • DEVELOPS DEXTERITY AND SPARKS THE IMAGINATION - We encourage your kids to use their imagination to create their own magical kingdom. This Papo toy will help to develop their skills while enjoying hours of imaginative play in great planet's history.
  • GREAT DETAIL - It is hand painted with amazing detail, realistic, educational, and fun, this figurine is suitable for a range of interests, including collectors, teachers, and kids. Another special characteristic of this figure is the care in the details and postures, which gives the impression that the figurines are animated.
  • BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED AND DURABLE - This figure is beautifully finished and the extreme attention to detail is universally recognised. This figure is made of a very high quality plastic, its measures approximately 6.5 inches tall; Suitable for ages: 3 Years.

  • Papo dinosaurs are exquisite. They have articulated jaws that show their ferocious teeth. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is 6.50" tall, with very realistic detailing. It has an articulated jaw. Mix and match with other Papo dinosaurs
    Brand: Papo, Model: 55001, Color: Multicolor

    Custom Tab 01

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