Papo "Polar Bear" Figure

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  • Develops dexterity and sparks the imagination
  • Dimensions: 5,51 x 1,97 x 2,56 inches
  • Beautifully finished and durable

  • Majestic and formidable, the Polar bear (also known as the white bear) is one of the largest land-based carnivores. This large mammal from the ursidae family is a loner. It lives in the Arctic regions and can weigh up to 1-tonne. Its thick white coat protects it from the cold to be found on the ice sheet and enables it to blend into the background easily. To survive in these extreme temperatures, the Polar bear can also Count on its thick layer of body fat. It isn't afraid of swimming in icy cold water! it hunts just as well on land as in the water and mainly eats seals and fish. Did you know that the Polar bear can slow down its metabolism to save energy.
    Brand: Papo, Model: 50142, Color: White

    Custom Tab 01

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