C-3PO is eager to assist you with all of your translation needs
Pick up Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Luke Skywalker, and Yoda to empower your collection
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Stylized and fun
Inspired by designer toys and stylized character collectibles the world over, Funko is back with Pop Bobble Heads. This adorable collectible figure of C-3PO comes packaged in a colorful window box. The unique design brings Funko's house style into the world of Bobble Heads, and we just know that C-3PO is going to look great on your desk. Head turns and looks amazing a great take on the heroes and villains of the Star Wars Universe Add to your collection Ages 5 and up Stylized and fun. Brand: Funko, Model: 2387, Color: Gold, Size: Standard
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