When you're trapped by a fire and could use a pal, look up in the sky, here comes Hal
Spin Hal's 'actionator' to employ rescue hook
Pull trigger for blade-spinning action
Boys can reenact all of their favorite Rescue Heroes moments with this cool set
Collect all the Hero World Rescue Heroes
The Hero World Vehicle/Figures Assortment includes two items: Jake Justice Action Figure and Motorcycle and Hal E. Copter Action Figure and Helicopter. Both feature an "actionator" that when turned activate an exciting feature. Turn the actionator on Jake's motorcycle to "actionate" the shields that swing out in front of the motorcycle for protection! The motorcycle also comes equipped with a projectile launcher! Turn the actionator on the Hal's helicopter to actionate the retractable hook and press the trigger to activate the helicopter blades Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: T7123
Custom Tab 01
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