Diamond Select Toys Alien: 5th Anniversary Minimates Box Set

Diamond Select
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  • A Diamond Select Toys release
  • Marking the 35th anniversary of Ridley Scott's s-f/horror blockbuster Alien
  • Set includes fully pose able 2" Minimates of Ripley, Kane, Parker and the Big Chap himself, the original Xenomorph
  • Interchangeable parts and accessories, including a face hugger alien and the ship's cat, Jonesy
  • Packaged on a blister card

  • A Diamond Select Toys Release! It's been 35 years since Ridley Scott's Alien set a new bar for both science fiction and horror and created a world that still amazes and terrifies us! DST is honoring the film that started it all with a special box set of four Minimates mini-figures, including Ripley, Kane, Parker and the Big Chap himself, the original Xenomorph! Each fully pose able Minim ate stands approximately 2 Inch tall and features a variety of interchangeable parts and accessories, including a face hugger alien and the ship's cat, Jonesy! Packaged on a blister card.
    Brand: Diamond Select, Model: JUL142034, Color: Multi-colored

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