Calico Critters Sophie's Love 'n Care

Calico Critters
SKU: EZFB00005BV89
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  • Includes Sophie Snowbunny, tub, table, chair, rocking bassinet, bunting, baby clothes, blanket, toys, dishes and more!
  • Sophie Snowbunny has jointed, poseable arms and legs. Sophie's head turns and her clothing is removable
  • Sophie Snowbunny measures 2 tall
  • Can be used independently or with all Calico Critters figures, houses, shops and vehicles
  • Mix and match with other Calico Critters play sets to create a whole Calico Critters village!

  • Everything you need to take care of Sophie Snowbunny is in this set. Includes Sophie Snowbunny, tub, table, chair, rocking bassinet, bunting, baby clothes, blanket, toys, dishes and more! Calico Critters is a unique and adorable range of distinctive animal characters with charming and beautifully detailed homes, furniture and accessories. They live, work and play in an idyllic and wonderful place called Calico Village. These timeless, classic toys promote wholesome family values. These life-like, award-winning miniatures also inspire imagination and creativity. These adorable toys promote healthy cognitive development through pretend play. Acting out storylines will exercise narrative and critical thinking processes, while fine motor skills and dexterity improve as little ones manipulate the fun environments, critters and accessories.
    Brand: Calico Critters, Model: CC2537, Color: Natural, Size: One Size

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