Sony 16GB MS PRO-HG DUO HX High Speed Memory Stick (MSHX16B/MN)

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  • Up to 50MB/s transfer speed
  • Stores 1200 photos and 3 hours, 5 minutes of video
  • Performance optimized for Sony devices
  • Recommended for continuous shooting with DSLR cameras
  • Memory card used for transferring large capacity of data at high speed
  • File Rescue downloadable software helps recover photos and videos that have been accidentally damaged or deleted
  • Tested to achieve high levels of reliability and data integrity

  • Experience blazing fast transfer speeds approximately 4x faster than the Memory Stick Pro Duo with this MSHX16B/MN 16GB Memory Stick PRO HG Duo HX memory card. The ideal solution for high speed shooting, you can capture up to 180 large JPEG photos per minute, plus store and transfer video and still photos recorded on your compatible Handycam camcorder or Cyber shot digital camera. File Rescue downloadable software helps recovers photos and videos that has been accidentally damaged or deleted. Supports 3D/HD files. Shoot with ease. Protective features include waterproof, dust proof, temperature proof, UV guard and Anti static.
    Brand: Sony, Model: MSHX16B/MN, Size: 16GB

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