Astonishing sound experience across the sonic spectrum with engaging deep and heavy base and detail never previously experienced through standard earphones
Three-button full feature remote with SMART-feel soft touch buttons for play/pause music and videos, answer/end calls, skip songs, volume/voice control and recording
Sports Ready: Wearable in standard earphone position or for sports activity, can be secured behind the ear with option to split the cable
Ergonomic: Unique flat profile design sits flush with your ear for ultimate comfort lying down or on-the-go
Made for iPod, iPhone and iPad with perfectly matching design aesthetics
Boasting the award winning, ultra crisp and natural sound of the acclaimed t-JAYS series, the newest t-JAYS Four comes loaded with a wide range of great features making this one of the most versatile remote earphone products on the market. The durable Kevlar reinforced cable and the slim t-JAYS earphones are designed and engineered together in a unique way to become one of the most comfortable earphones you've ever experienced. Dividable cables, two-way wear possibilities, full feature remote are only a few of all the features you get with our new t-JAYS Four. Brand: JAYS, Model: T00079, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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