Whirlwind HAUC Under Counter Active Stereo Headphone Control Box - Power Supply - Whirlwind 2 Year Warranty
Handles headphones from 8 to 600 Ohms with low distortion and wide frequency response
1/4" and 1/8" headphone jacks and volume control are provided on the front panel
Two 1/4" TRS (stereo) and one 1/8" TRS jacks on the rear for input / through connections
Powered with 24 VDC adapter (included)
That's right; Whirlwind's HAUC headphone amp has a housing that mounts UNDER your desktop. That means you use up zero desk space but gain great headphone performance. Front-panel 1/4" and 1/8" jacks (plus a dead-simple volume control) make it easy to plug in and listen. patch in via 1/4" and 1/8" jacks on the back. That's handy! Oh, and the aforementioned housing has rounded edges, so it won't tear up clothing or poke your knees. Also handy. Don't settle for ho-hum headphone sound when you can get the best sound possible in your cans - from the incredible HAUC! Brand: Whirlwind, Model: HAUC
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