VideoSecu LCD TV Monitor Ceiling Mount Fits Most 23"-37" LCD LED Flat Panel Display with VESA 200/200x100, Fit Flat and Vaulted Ceiling ML406AB 1LH

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  • VideoSecu TV ceiling mount. Steel Construction; Integrated cable management; Assembly required
  • Fit flat and vaulted ceiling; Adjustable Column included, 12"-30" (30-75 cm)
  • Maximum loading 66 lbs (30 kgs); Multi-directional adjustments
  • VESA 200/200x100/100/75/50mm; Fits most 23-37", some models up to 40" 42" LCD LED Plasma TV monitor (please check TV VESA and Weight)
  • Standard hardware required to fasten your LCD to your ceiling mount included; All hardware required to fasten your ceiling plate to your ceiling included; Comprehensive product installation manual included

  • VideoSecu brand TV mount. Our LCD ceiling mounts offer exceptional range of movement while maximizing your workstation environment. This mount allows your flat screen or flat panel monitor to successfully adapt to any environment where a wall or desk mount is not an option. Once your LCD monitor mount is installed, you can change the height adjustment of your flat panel monitor to meet your specific needs. The height adjustment can be made in 2 inch increments (from 12 to 30 inches, 300mm to 750mm). This mount can be adjusted tilted up and down /-20 degree and swivel 340 degrees. Check the weight of your TV. It must be less than 66 lbs. If your LCD Monitor or TV has 4 holes on the back of the screen that are 50mm, 75mm or 100mm 200mm apart from each other vertically and horizontally. In addition, Please check the area inside the 4 mounting holes to make sure there are not any plugs. Otherwise, the plate may block the plugs. If you currently have a stand attached to your LCD TV this is usually removed prior to fitting the wall mount and 4 holes should be revealed. Notice: This mount fits most 23-32" TVs (VESA 50x50mm(2x2")/75x75mm(3x3")/100x100mm(4"x4)/200x100mm (8x4")/200x200mm(8x8")), some up to 37 inch TVs manufactured in recent 3 years
    Brand: VideoSecu, Model: ML406AB, Color: Black

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