Highly accurate - improves accuracy by up to 100%. Precise readings in seconds, decreases installation time by as much as 35%
Durable aluminum housing-protects against impact, corrosion and water. Edges at 90 degree angles for contact measuring.
Adjustable alignment lenses for maximum clarity. Liquid filled for quick stability in seconds - the liquid will not freeze even in cold weather.
Jeweled bearing on both meters for smoothest rotation possible. Durable carrying case and neck lanyard provided.
Pocket-size convenience. Use in conjunction with the receiver to accurately identify the satellite position.
This compass and clinometer (angle finder) is a precision liquid filled instrument with both functions built into the same housing. This device is excellent for satellite installers. The exact compass heading can be aligned and then the elevation angle can be measured assuring you of a clear line of sight. This eliminates any guessing before mounting the dish. This compass is super durable, the housing is made of robust aluminum. The viewing lenses are both adjustable for clearest presentation and a nice protective case is included for storage.COMPARABLE TO SUUNTO Brand: SatShooter, Model: SATSHOOTER
Custom Tab 01
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