Peerless LCC-18-CS Tilt Ceiling Mount for 13" to 29" Displays with 18" to 19" Adjustable Length

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  • Adjustable length of 18" to 29"
  • Accomodates VESA 75 and 100 hole patterns
  • Features -5° to 20° of adjustable tilt with 360° of swivel
  • Screen can be mounted in standard position or face-down
  • Cords can be concealed within the mount

  • The slim design of the LCD Ceiling Mount offers the ideal low profile mounting solution and enhances the professional look of any 13" to 29" LCD display. The slender adjustable extension column minimizes the mount's appearance while maximizing the display's presence in any room. Models with the optional cable management covers offer a sleek, stylized veneer that conceals cords and augments the mount's overall aesthetic. Its versatile design allows the display to be mounted in standard position or facing the floor with the option of portrait or landscape orientation, making it ideal for dental offices, medical facilities, and digital signage. Package Content: LCD Ceiling MountTheft resistant security fastenersCeiling plate (for structural or wood joist ceilings)All mounting hardware (for wood or concrete installations)Cord management covers with dual cord management channels
    Brand: Peerless, Model: LCC-18-CS, Color: Silver

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