Monoprice Low Profile Wall Mount Bracket for LCD LED Plasma (Max 125Lbs, 3252inch)

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  • This is Low Profile Wall Bracket is perfect for LCD and LED Plasma TV's
  • The MDSF52 Low Profile Wall Mount supports most 32"-Inch 52" flat panel screen and plasma TVs up-Inch 125 lb. weight
  • The slim wall plate keeps the screen close-Inch the wall for a very discreet installation

  • This is Low Profile Wall Bracket is perfect for LCD and LED Plasma TV's. The MDSF52 Low Profile Wall Mount supports most 32"-Inch 52" flat panel screen and plasma TVs up-Inch 125 lb. weight. The slim wall plate keeps the screen close-Inch the wall for a very discreet installation that is perfect for boardrooms digital signage or home theaters. The mount includes simple-Inch align brackets and a unique wall plate that can be mounted-Inch a single wood stud two wood studs or concrete. Only 0. 59" from the wall! Supported screen sizes in descriptions are provided as a guide. Not all models of televisions will fall within guidelines. IMPORTANT! Please note that the screen sizes listed are only approximations. The VESA pattern use d-Inch mount the display and the weight of the display are the primary indicators of whether a given display and mount are compatible. Please check the VESA pattern listed in your product manual-Inch ensure that this mount will work with your display. WarningLow profile mounts are designed-Inch provide the least clearance possible behind your display. If you have rear facing connectors on the back panel of your display you may need angled or adjustable adapters in order-Inch allow the cable connectors-Inch fit between the wall and the back of your display. Please watch our video for installation guidelines:
    Brand: Monoprice, Model: 107847, Color: Black, Size: 1

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