Goliton AMI MDI MMI/iPod Cable Adapter connect Apple iPod iPhone 4, iPhone 3G, iPad to Audi A3/A4/A5/A6/A8/S4/S6/S8/Q5/Q7/R8/TT and Volkswagen Jetta/GTI/GLI/Passat/CC/Tiguan/Touareg/EOS

SKU: EZFB004I9G486
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  • Compatibility: AMI/ iPod; MDI/ iPod; MMI/ iPod for Audi and Volkswagen VW Audio system
  • Support Apple iPod,iPod Touch, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 and iPad
  • Super anti-electromagnetic interference design
  • Supporting high-speed USB data transfer protocol
  • Plug and Play, perfectly matching with the original car interface and usage space

  • Available Car Models: It is compatible with Audi A3/A4/A5/A6/A8/Q5/Q7/R8/TT etc., depending on production date and the specific configuration of the car. The original box of AMI must has been preinstalled or installed in original audio host, and which is usually installed in the copilot's glove box or center armrest box, please check the configure list of the car or the car getting ready to be assembled before you make the purchase. Features: 1. Super anti-electromagnetic interference design and supporting high-speed USB data transfer protocol 2. Original standard design, about 27cm length, and perfectly matching with the original car interface and usage space. 3. Plug and Play. Support with 2009 up Audi and VW car Note: Your Audi and other Volkswagen cars need to be with AMI,MDI,MMI port and support Audio interface function. Goliton is a registered trademark protected by the US Trademark Law. Goliton products are sold by authorized sellers only.
    Brand: Goliton, Model: 010

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