Gator Cases GL-LCD-2224 Lightweight LCD Case Black

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  • Designed to fit most 22"and 24" LCD monitors
  • Interior dimensions are 22.8" X 21.25" X 9.5"
  • Tricot covered velcro adjustable interior blocks for various size monitors and bases
  • Polyethylene foam with tricot lined interior. 6-Deneir nylon exterior.
  • Rugged nylon web carry handle

  • The Gator Cases GL-LCD-2224 is designed to protect LCD screens and monitors during transport from potential damage. The Lightweight LCD monitor case is made of rigid EPS Polyfoam with a 600-Denier nylon exterior. The interior is lined with Tricot and includes blocks with Velcro backing that can be adjusted to fit various sized monitors, including bases. The Gator Cases LCD lightweight carrying case also features an exterior document window as well as 2 business card windows. The LCD transporter case is perfect for photography, gaming, video production, or any situation requiring the transport of expensive LED, LCD, or Plasma screen monitors.

    The GL-LCD-2224 interior dimensions are 22.8" X 21.25" X 9.5" and includes adjustable foam pads to secure the monitor into place. The GL-LCD-2224 can fit most popular models Eizio, NEC, Samsung, Apple, Sony, Sharp and many others. Make sure to verify the dimensions of your monitor to ensure a proper fit. Also available for screens between 19-22" (GL-LCD-1922)

    Brand: Gator, Model: GL-LCD-2224, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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