Exabyte 00558 1pk Mammoth2 8mm 225m 60/150gb Supl W/ Smartclean Tape Cartridge

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  • High speed and high capacity.
  • High density with built-in error detection and correction.
  • Smaller footprint than competing technologies.
  • Quicker file access.
  • Great data transfer rates.

  • Exabyte 00558 mammoth ame-2 with smartclean certified tape 60/150gb data cartridge exabyte ame with smartclean tape cartridges provide the highest level of data integrity and data availability in the industry. Designed specifically for the mammoth-2 (m2) drive ame with smartclean gives mammoth-2 the automatic cleaning capability that automatically cleans the drive periodically and reduces the frequency with which the mammoth cleaning cartridge must be used. Each cartridge with exabyte's smartclean technology contains a 2-meter length of cleaning material with the ame media. This cleaning material removes elements that can cause read/write errors. A sophisticated monitoring system built into the mammoth-2 drive determines when it's time to clean and performs cleaning automatically. smartclean safely removes tape lubricant staining without causing head wear. Cleanings take place at the right time -- when they are needed -- and won't impact tape operations. With normal use smartclean reduces the need to execute separate cleaning actions with the mammoth cleaning cartridge.
    Brand: Exabyte, Model: 00558

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