Eton Corp. NGAN200 Grundig Indoor Antenna

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  • Passive, fully adjustable indoor antenna for the AM broadcast band (530-1710 KHz) - the grinding an200 is a passive, fully adjustable indoor antenna for the AM broadcast band (530-1710 KHz)
  • Lightweight, thin, frameless design
  • The Product is manufactured in China

  • Passive, fully adjustable indoor antenna for the AM broadcast band (530-1710 kHz) - the grinding AN200 is a passive, fully adjustable indoor antenna for the AM broadcast band (530-1710 kHz). this inductive coupling makes it easy to use with most portables that have an AM Ferrite bar antenna. Simply placing this antenna near the radio will improve reception! just adjust the AN200 tuning knob for maximum gain. There is also an output jack for a "wired" connection to radios with AM antenna terminals. The supplied cable has a 3 Conductor 3.5mm plug at one end bare wires at the other end. Plug AN200 into antenna input of your radio or sound system. If "antenna input" is not available, place AN200 as close as possible to the radio or sound system for better reception. First Tune to the desired radio frequency, then fine Tune the frequency by adjusting the control knob on the AN200. AN200 is an all-direction receiver. You can get a better reception by placing at different directions. Dimensions:8 " w x 2.9" H x 10 " D (215mm w x 73mm H x 260mm D). weight:11 oz. (312 G).lightweight, thin, frameless design the product is manufactured in China.
    Brand: Eton, Model: NGAN200, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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