C2G/Cables to Go 29387 TruLink VGA over Cat5 Extender Box Transmitter to Box Receiver Kit

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  • Kit includes both the transmitter and receiver units
  • Extend VGA up to 300ft at a 1920x1200 resolution
  • Utilizes a single category cable for extension
  • TruPair technology ensures compatibility with any monitor
  • TruChoice Power allows for power at transmitter or receiver end

  • The VGA over UTP Box Transmitter to Box Receiver Kit allows you to extend a VGA signal over a Cat5/Cat5e/Cat6 unshielded twisted pair cable up to 300ft without signal degradation at 1920x1200 or 1920x1080 resolutions. This solution is compatible with any operating system and is truly plug and play with no drivers or software required. In addition, this solution utilizes phantom power providing you the flexibility to power at either the transmitter or receiver end. EQ (sharpness) adjustments can be made for optimal signal clarity. The EDID copy feature ensures compatibility with any monitor. Built-In power surge protection and high ground loop immunity ensure high performance signal extension. Longer distances can be achieved at lower resolutions. System Reqs ; Source device with a standard VGA video output . One transmitter, box or wall plate . One standard UTP cable (CAT5, Cat5e, CAT6) . One receiver, box or wall plate . Display device with a standard VGA input Cat5e or CAT6 is recommended for this product. CAT6 cabling will support a higher picture quality than Cat5e. STP cabling is recommended for environments with high EMI or RFI.Uses . Classrooms . Conference rooms . Corporate environments . Houses of worship .Healthcare . Digital signage
    Brand: C2G, Model: 29387, Size: N/A

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