To use with all Acolyte products marked Standard REMOTE CONTROL CAPABLE
Uses 1 CR2025 battery (included and replaceable)
Comes with key ring and loop for easy usage
For use with Acolyte's new Sumix Product line
Will not work with any RGB products - For use with White LED's only
Please note: Products must be turned ON manually prior to using the remote. You can point the remote 6 - 8 feet away from the lighting unit. Point n Party Series New and Exciting! When you see the Point n Party Series logo next to our products, this means the unit is compatible with either the Acolyte Standard Remote Control or the Acolyte RGB Remote Control. Now, you can simply walk around and light up your designs with a press of a button right before your event. This way you maximize light output and save time and money. Remote controls are sold separately. Brand: Acolyte, Model: LYSB006C2JRU4-ELECTRNCS
Custom Tab 01
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